Asking and Giving Opinions : Pengertian, Expressions,Cara, Percakapan dan Contoh Soal

A. Pengertian Asking and Giving an Opinion

Dear laman24 readers! Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, manusia tidak akan pernah lepas dari yang namanya bertanya dan memberi pendapat (asking and giving an opinion) dari suatu topik/tema yang muncul di tengah masyarakat.

Tema/topik biasanya muncul dan menjadi pembicaraan hangat ditengah masyarakat apabila tema/topik tersebut mengundang kontroversi/perdebatan antara satu orang dengan orang lain. Ketika tema/topik tersebut telah menjadi kontroversi dalam masyarakat pasti anda pernah menanyakan pendapat orang lain mengenai topik tersebut.

Tema/topik atau kadang juga disebut mosi (motion) yang mengandung kontroversi/perdebatan ditengah masyarakat biasanya berhubungan dengan kesenjangan sosial, ketidak adilan, keputusan pemerintah, kenaikan tarif dasar listrik, kenaikan Bahan Bakar Minyak (The raise of fuel), status sosial (marital status), gaya hidup (life style), dan lain-lain.

Tetapi yang harus sama-sama kita ingat adalah asking and giving an opinion bukan hanya sekedar muncul dari sesuatu yang menjadi pertentangan saja. Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, anda juga pasti pernah memberi atau meminta saran dari orang lain. Misalnya, ketika anda sedang bingung memilih warna baju, model tas, pilihan tempat liburan, film favorite, atau bahkan makanan dan minuman favorit. Dalam hal ini, anda tentu akan menanyakan opini teman  anda, atau bahkan teman anda duluan yang memberi saran kepada anda.

Memberi dan meminta saran bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan ide, argumen, atau pendapat terhadap sesuatu.

B. Expression uses in Asking and Giving Opinion

1. Expressions for asking opinion

1. What is your opinion about the nowadays issue?
2. Do you have any idea the problem?
3. Have you got any thoughts on this events?
4. How do you feel about that tragedy?
5. What is your point of view about his habits?
6. I would really appreciate your view of this complicated problem?
7. Have you got any thoughts on this annual meeting?
8. Do you have any views on this anniversary?
9. Does anyone have any other comments?
10.What do you think about…?
11.What do you suggest…?
12.Can you give me the way of this complicated life?
13.Would you please give solutions?
14.Would you like to share your life experience?
15.Would you mind giving me win win solution?
16.What is your reaction toward economics crisis?
17.Have you got any comments on that issue appears?
18.Do you think it’s going well?
19.What do you think of playing games together?
20.How do you think about our friends solution?

2. Expressions for giving opinions

1. In my mind, the best solution for this problem is communication.
2. I believe that the tragedy will be end soon.
3. From my point of view, it’ s better late than never.
4. From my angle, that’s wrong way.
5. I am not sure, but I try my best.
6. I could be wrong, but…
7. I am no expert, but…
8. I tend to think that…
9. I feel that…
10.I suppose…
11.I would like to point out that…
12.In my opinion…
13.I honestly think that…
14.I think…
15.The way I see it is that…
16.I strongly believe that…
17.I believe…
18.I’m convinced that…
19.I’m sure that…
20.There’s no doubt in my mind that…

3. Expressions for responding opinions

1. It can be understood.
2. I know what you mean
3. It’s gonna be alright.
4. That’s the point
5. I see what you mean.
6. You’ve got a point there.
7. That’s a very good point.
8. That’s a great suggestion.
9. That’s one way of looking at it.
10.Of course.
11.This is absolutely right.
12.I agree with this opinion.
13.I couldn't agree more.
14.I agree with what you are saying.
15.I agree, I never thought of that.
16.Neither do I.
17.I couldn't agree more.
18.I agree with what you are saying.
19.I agree, I never thought of that.
20.I think so too.

4. Disagreeing with an opinion

1. I disagree with you.
2. I think you are wrong.
3. That's not the same thing at all.
4. It is not justified to say so.
5. I am not convinced that.....
6. I can't say I agree with this, and here's why...
7. I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
8. I am not sure I agree with you.
9. I don't agree with you.
10.I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
11.I do not believe that.
12.My impression is that…
13.I am not sure but I am leaning towards…
14.I tend to think…
15.I totally disagree.

Baca juga Contoh Soal Asking and Giving Opinion : 50 Contoh Soal Objective Asking and Giving Opinion

C. Bentuk dan cara menyampaikan opini

Dear laman24 readers! Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman maka giving an opinion bukan hanya sekedar bertanya dan menjawab antara satu orang dengan orang lain dalam bentuk percakapan biasa. Asking and giving an opinion juga dikemas dalam acara-acara resmi sebagai berikut:

1. Interactive Dialogue
2. Panel Discussion
3. Talk Show
4. Variatey Show
5. Seminar Presentation
6. Meeting Presentation
7. Focus Group Discussion
8. Campaign Session
9. Speech Session
10.Debate Session

D. Contoh Percakapan tentang asking and giving opinion

Conversation 1

Doni  : Hi John, where have you been? I didn’t see you for a week.
John  : Yeah, I enjoyed my long holiday.
Doni  : Wow, cool. Where did you go?
John  : I went to Amed beach in Karang Asem. Have you ever visited that place?
Doni  : Hmmm… Never, but I ever saw it from TV. Is it a good Beach?  What do you think about Amed Beach?
John  : In my opinion, it is an awesome beach. It has many good diving spots. Besides, you can also see a beautiful sunrise in the morning.
Doni  : What a good place to spend a holiday!
John  : Yeah, of course. If you have a long holiday, I think you should go to Amed. Karang Asem has many beautiful beaches.
Doni  : Yes, I will. I agree with you. Last year I went to Virgin Beach in Karang Asem. It is not too far from Denpasar. Have you ever gone there?
John  : Not yet, I just know it from my friends who have already gone there. They said that the beach has a beautiful white sand. How’s your opinion?
Doni  : Personally, I think Virgin beach is a beautiful beach and a good place to spend your weekend. Your friends are right. It has a gorgeous white sand.
John  : Cool, please take me there sometimes.
Doni  : Sure. There are a lot of places that we can explore in Karang Asem.  Have you ever visited Tenganan Village?
John  : No, I have not. I only ever heard that village from my grandfather. As far as I know, Tenganan is one of famous Bali traditional villages. Balinese called it “Desa Bali Aga”. The house styles and ornaments are very traditional. They also have a unique tradition called “Perang Pandan”.
Doni  : Yes, I ever heard about it. Some people say that “Perang Pandan” is an offering ceremony to honor God Indra
John  : What a unique tradition it is. We should go and watch it once.
Doni  : Alright, let’s arrange a trip to Karang Asem next June. What do you think?
John  : I’d say that is a brilliant idea. Can’t wait for that month.
Doni  : Yeah, me too. I’ll contact you later. See you John.
John  : Alright, see you Doni.

Conversation 2

Marina : “Hi  Gustina, what are you doing?”
Gustina: “Hi Marina, I’m writing a poetry”
Marina : “Poetry? for the special one?”
Gustina: “Absolutely, tomorrow is mothers’ day so I would like to give this poetry for my mommy”
Marina : “Mothers’ day? Oh my god! I forget about it”
Gustina: “Calm down Erika, why don’t you write a poetry too?”
Marina : “No, I cant write a poetry “
Gustina: “Do you know what is the thing that your mommy likes?”
Marina : “She likes flowers”
Gustina: “How about buying a flower vase, I think your mommy likes it.”
Marina : “That sounds good idea, but Clara would you mind to accompany me to find it out after class end?” Clara: “With my pleasure”
Gustina: “Oh thank you so much  Marina”
Marina : “Don’t mention it Gustina”

Conversation 3

Billy : Hey, Tom! Have you watched the Game of Thrones series? (Hei, Bagas! Sudahkah kamu nonton serial Game of Thrones?)
Tom   : Of course I have! (Tentu saja sudah!)
Billy : What is your point of view, then? (Kalau begitu, apa pendapatmu tentang itu?)
Tom   : I honestly think that the actors have unbelievable acting skills. (Sejujurnya aku berpikir bahwa pemerannya memiliki kemampuan berakting yang sangat keren.)
Billy : Good point. And what is your opinion about the plot? (Benar juga. Lalu apa pendapatmu soal jalan ceritanya?)
Tom   : There is no doubt in mind that the plot is mind-blowing! By the way, how about we watch another Netflix series together? (Sudah jelas bahwa jalan ceritanya menakjubkan! Omong-omong, bagaimana kalau kita nonton serial Netflix lainnya?)
Billy : I strongly believe that is a great idea. We can watch Stranger Things, perhaps? (Aku sungguh yakin itu ide yang bagus. Mungkin kita bisa nonton Stranger Things?)
Tom   : That is great. Let’s go! (Bagus. ayo!)

Conversation 4

Bryan: “Hi Carol”
Carol: “Hi Bryan, what are you doing here?”
Bryan: “I want to buy manusia setengah salmon book”
Carol: “Whose the writer? “
Bryan: “His name’s Radityadika
Carol: “Oh I see, Actually I’ve read his another book the title is kambing jantan
Bryan: “ (Agreement) and Radityadika is my favorite writer, I have all of his books by the way what are you looking for here? ”
Carol: “I’m looking for negri lima menara novel, I’m pretty sure that you know that novel “
Bryan: “ Of course i know it, good choice Maya, and you should have it because (giving opinion) and very recommended for the student like us
Carol: “Yea my sisters says so, I cant wait to read that novel. By the way I have to take the novel now because I wont get home late, it’s nice to talk with you Kevin “
Bryan: “ Oh OK, it's nice to talk with you too”
Carol : “ See you later”
Bryan: “ See you”

E. Contoh Soal Asking and Giving Opinions

Choose A, B, C, D, or E to complete the correct answers!

1.  Dio: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?
    Jon: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.
    Dio: Thanks, Jon.
    Jon: No problem!
From the dialogue above, Dio is…
A. Asking for help
B. Giving help
C. Giving opinion
D. Asking for an opinion
E. Asking for help

2. Jul: Ria, what do you think of the cake I
   Ria: It’s really delicious, Jul. I love it!
   Jul: yes!
From the dialogue above, Jul is…
A. Asking for an opinion
B. Asking for help
C. Requesting for attention
D. Giving an item
E. Giving opinion

3. Dave: So what do you think of my singing?
   John: It’s really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.
   Dave: Thanks, John.
   John: No problem, Dave!
From the dialogue above, John is…
A. Asking for help
B. Giving an opinion
C. Asking for an opinion
D. Giving help
E. Giving attention

4. Jade: What do you think of my drawing?
   Rose: It’s amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.
   Jade: Thank you so much for you opinon, Rose!
   Rose: My pleasure.
From the dialogue above, Rose is…
A. Asking for attention
B. Asking a question
C. Giving an opinion
D. Giving help
E. Asking for help

5. Andy : What do you think about the restaurant?
   Budy : I think the price is too expensive
From the dialogue above we can conclude that ….
A. Budy is expressing pleasure
B. Andy is expressing pleasure
C. Budy is expressing displeasure
D. Andy is expressing displeasure
E. Budy is giving opinion

6. Mita : What do you think about the fairy?
   Bayu : I think she deserves to return to heaven
   We can conclude that Mita is …
A. Asking for information from Bayu
B. Asking Bayu’s opinion
C. Giving her opinion to Bayu
D. Agreeing with Bayu’s opinion
E. Disagreeing with Bayu’s opinion

7. Adi : ………………………….
   Ina : I think it’s great
A. Have you read this book?
B. What do you think of this book?
C. What is it?
D. Do you know this?
E. How do you do?

8 . Justin: Next week We will have a long holiday. So, on your holiday what are you going to do Yoona?
A. I don’t know where I go
B. I’m sorry, I can’t tell you
C. This is not your business
D. I have nothing to do
E. I’m thinking of going to Jogja Sorry

9. Liana: Film of Kartini it’s so inspiring. And what do you think about the inspiring film of Kartini?
   Bram: I think…
A. Thank you, Kartini
B. You forget Kartini’s day
C. I can’t hear you call Kartini
D. I love Kartini’s film its so inspiring me
E. Let’s go

10. Jamilah: I think our city is saved from the virus, so we can go around.
    Ellisa: But I don’t think so,… Our city is not saved. We must stay at home at least in lockdown time.
A. In my opinion
B. She forgets it
C. See you next time
D. You know it
E. I am thinking of the virus

11. Drue: May I know what do you think of my short story?
    Julia: It’s a good story, but I suggest changing the title with an interesting title.
Drue: Nice opinion. Thanks, Julia.
Julia: Anytime, Drue!
From the dialogue above between Julia and Drue, Julia is…
A. Giving order
B. Asking for an opinion
C. Asking for attention
D. Giving an opinion
E. Giving hands

12. Bintang: Afterschool Herman feels very tired and he gets dizzy.
    Sonia: I think …. And if it’s not necessary he doesn’t leave the bed.
A. You must go to school
B. You have to take him to the hospital
C. He should lie down and have bedrestime
D. She would take rest
E. He can see the doctor now

13. Damar: … our Biology class is so fun and very interesting.
    Tania: Yes, you are right I think so too. The Biology teacher conveys the lesson interestingly making the classroom atmosphere becomes pleasant.
A. The teacher disagree
B. Tania agree
C. I don’t like it
D. I think
E. I’m not sure one hundred percent

14. James: This day is Mother’s day and I want to give her my painting. When you look my painting what do you think about my it?
    Ron: It’s so beautiful and amazing, and I think you must develop your painting talent to a professional level.
James: That’s opinion sounds great. Thanks full for your opinion, Ron.
Ron: It’s my pleasure.
From the conversation about painting, Ron is…
A. Asking a time
B. Giving an opinion
C. Asking for a gift
D. Giving a lot of hands
E. Asking for his help

15. Dahlia: Jennifer, would you like to give me an opinion about my poetry?
Jennifer: Of course! I think you should use attractive themes and titles. It would be great poetry.
Dahlia: Thank you very much, Jennifer.
Jennifer: It’s okay
The dialogue above tells us that Dahlia is…
A. Make a wish
B. Asking for sing a song
C. Waiting for help
D. Sharing an opinion
E. Asking for an opinion

16. Jake: Rose, what do you think of my chocolate cake?
Rose: It’s so delicious! I really love this cake!
Jake: I’m so pleased
In the dialogue, Jake is…
A. Giving advice
B. Asking for an opinion
C. Requesting for gift
D. Giving baker cake
E. Asking for help

17. …… children should be taught from an early age to be independent and responsible.
A. In my opinion
B. They want to learn
C. You can’t believe
D. He totally understands
E. Do you think that

18. Woman: What do you think of my appearance. Do I look okay?
    Man: Well, yes but it will be more elegant if you wear a long black dress.
    Woman: Alright.
What is the dialogue about?
A. The woman’s dress
B. The elegant woman
C. The woman’s black dress
D. The woman’s appearance
E. The man’s complaint about the woman

19. Man: Oh my god, this traffic is making me crazy.
    Woman: Absolutely! I think there must be an accident.
    Man: I think so too. It’s almost seven o’clock. We’ll be late for school.
    Woman: We’d better tell our teacher that we’re coming late, because of the traffic. We hope and pray that traffic will be fine soon and we will not miss the first lesson.
    Man: Okay, let’s call her.
What is the best solution they have?
A. Make themselves crazy
B. Come late to school
C. Call the teacher
D. Hope and pray
E. Miss the first lesson

20. Woman: Look at me! Does this long red dress suit on me, John?
    Man: I don’t think so. I think the green long dress is better than the red one.
    Woman: How about the short black one, then?
    Man: Yes, that suits you. You look gorgeous with that one.
Which dress suits the woman?
A. The short red one.
B. The short green one.
C. The short black one.
D. The long red one.
E. The long green one.

21.Dio: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?
   Jon: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.
   Dio: Thanks, Jon.
   Jon: No problem!
From the dialogue above, Dio is…
A. Asking for help
B. Giving help
C. Giving opinion
D. Asking for an opinion
E. Asking for help

Kate : We’ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
Yani : ....
Kate : I hope you have a nice trip
22 . Complete the dialogue above ....
A. I am thinking of going to Bali Sorry
B. Sorry, I can’t tell you
C. It’s not your business
D. I have nothing to do
E. I don’t know what to do

Alex : What do you think about the film ?
Bram : I think .......................
23. Complete the dialogue above ....
A. I like it
B. Thank you
C. I can’t hear you
D. You forget it
E. Let’s go

Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Era  : I don’t think so ................ Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
24. Complete the dialogue above ....
A. I know it
B. I am thinking of
C. He forget it
D. In my opinion
E. See you

Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Sri : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.
25. Complete the dialogue above ....
A. You must sing
B. You should lie down and have some rest
C. You can see the doctor tonight
D. I will take you to the hospital
A. I must take some rest, too

Dave: So what do you think of my singing?
John: It's really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.
Dave: Thanks, John.
John: No problem, Dave!
26. From the dialogue above, John is...
A. Asking for help
B. Giving an opinion
C. Asking for an opinion
D. Giving help
E. Giving attention

Jade: What do you think of my drawing?
Rose: It's amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.
Jade: Thank you so much for you opinon, Rose!
Rose: My pleasure.
27. From the dialogue above, Rose is...
A. Asking for attention
B. Asking a question
C. Giving an opinion
D. Giving help
E. Asking for help

Dirk: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?
Jake: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.
Dirk: Thanks, Jake.
Jake: No problem!
28. From the dialogue above, Dirk is...
A. Asking for help
B. Giving help
C. Giving opinion
D. Asking for an opinion
E. Asking for help


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