Formal Invitation Letters : Pengertian, Expressions, Generic Structure, Karakteristik dan Contohnya

A. Pengertian Formal Invitation

Dear laman24 readers! Formal invitation letter atau surat undangan resmi adalah surat resmi yang ditulis oleh seseorang atau lembaga dalam bentuk undangan untuk menghadiri berbagai kegiatan seperti pelantikan jabatan, wisuda, kegiatan perpisahan, saksi persidangan, perayaan hari kemerdekaan, seminar, wawancara, kongres, diklat,  dan juga peresmian perusahaan atau produk tertentu dalam bentuk yang beraneka ragam.

Formal invitation letter tidak harus ditulis secara resmi seperti surat bisnis sehingga terkesan sangat resmi. Formal invitation letter dapat juga dibuat seperti undangan biasa tanpa meninggalkan kesan formal/ resmi. Hal itu terjadi karena biasanya yang mengundang kita adalah lembaga-lembaga pemerintahan ataupun perusahaan swasta. Jadi, walaupun bentuknya undangan biasa, tetapi karena yang mengundang adalah lembaga/perusahaan tetap akan meninggalkan kesan formal dan sangat resmi.

Dear laman24 readers! Walaupun dibuat dalam bentuk undangan biasa, formal invitation letter tetap harus menggunakan kaidah dan aturan tata bahasa ada dan telah dditentukan, misalnya penggunaan bahasa baku, isi surat harus efektif dan jelas, dan dibuat dengan cermat sesuai keperluan, maksud dan tujuan undangan dibuat.

Selain itu, penggunaan surat resmi pada perusahaan, instansi pemerintahan, lembaga, dan organisasi memang sama sekali tidak bisa ditinggalkan. Memang sekarang ini media komunikasi sudah sangat canggih, dan semua perusahaan ataupun instansi bisa menggunakan alat komunikasi tersebut, seperti telepon, e-mail, maupun media lainnya.

B. Expressions of Formal Invitation Letters

Berikut beberapa contoh expression yang digunakan dalam formal invitation letters:

1. Opening expressions:

a. I am very pleased to say that our company has advanced progress in the previous years
b. I am very happy to say that our school has received grade A in acreditation from Ministery Education and Culture.
c. I am very pleasure to inform that our proposal join corporation has been achieved by PT. Eco Corp.Ltd.
d. With great pleasure, we wish to inform you that we are success in running the annual program.
e. etc

2. Purpose Expressions of formal invitation

a. We would like to ask you attending this annual meeting.
b. I expect you will come to our graduation celebration
c. We would like to invite you to attend the webinar.
d. We cordially you manage your time to join our meeting.
e. etc

3. Expressions to state the place, date and time

a. This annnual meeting will be held at 2.00 pm , Saturday, September5, 2020, Main Hall of Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta.
b. The seminar will be held at 8.00 p.m. on Sunday, September 6, Second Floor of Arya Duta Hotel Pekanbaru
c. The meeting will be held at 6.00 p.m. on the coming Thursday, September 10th 2020 at Grand Suka Hotel Banjarmasin.
d. The event will be held on Saturday, 12 September 2020 at 7.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. at Sungkai Room of Ibis Hotel Bandung
e. etc

4. Closing Expressions of Formal Invitation

a. Thank you for your coming.
b. Thank you for your time
c. Thank you for your intentions.
d. Thank you for your attention
e. etc

C. Membalas Formal Invitation Letters

Dear laman24 readers! Membalas surat undangan resmi (formal invitation letter) baik dalam bentuk menerima undangan ataupun tidak dapat menghadiri undangan harus dapat menjawab 4 masalah penting, yaitu:

1. Baik menerima undangan maupun menolak undangan, kalimat yang digunakan harus singkat, sistematis, dan tepat waktu. Jangan sampai ketika acara sudah selesai baru kita membalasnya. Usahakan jika surat sudah sampai, maka langsung dibalas agar pengirim juga dapat memastikan siapa yang dapat hadir dan siapa yang tidak dapat hadir.

2. Baik dapat memenuhi undangan maupun tidak dapat menghadiri undangan (menolak) maka si penerima undangan harus tetap mengucapkan apresiasi kepada pihak yang mengundang.  Contoh :

a. Thank you for your kind invitation to join that webinar. Unfortunately, I can’t join this program because I have something to do relateted to……………………..
b. I regret I couldn’t attend the occasion. I will play on di UEFA Champion League on September 22nd.
c. There is no possible way I can rearrange my schedule at this time. I'm very sorry I have to miss the occasion.

3. Baik dapat memenuhi undangan maupun tidak dapat menghadiri undangan (menolak) maka si penerima undangan harus tetap  mengkonfirmasi detail acara termasuk tanggal dan waktu. on Saturday, 12  September 2020  at 7.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. at Red Bird Velodrome.

4. Apabila si penerima undangan dapat menghadiri undangan maka harus tetap menginformasikan kehadiran. Contoh : I will be happy to attend and eagerly look forward to helping you on this happy occasion.

5. Baik dapat memenuhi undangan maupun tidak dapat menghadiri undangan (menolak) maka si penerima undangan harus tetap berharap acaranya tetap lancar dan sukses. Contoh :
a. My best wishes for a successful occasion.
b. l do hope the occasion will be profitable for all concerned.
c. Thank you for thinking of me and best wishes for an enjoyable occasion.

Berikut contoh membalas formal invitation letters:

Sampling 1

Dear Mr. Firminho,

Thank you for your kind invitation to Football Coaching on Saturday, 12 September 2020 at 7.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. at Red Bird Velodrome. I will be happy to attend and eagerly look forward to helping you on this happy occasion.

Yours sincerely,

Mo Salah

Sampling 2

Dear Mr. Firminho,

Thank you for your kind invitation to Football Coaching. l regret I couldn’t attend the occasion. I will play on di UEFA Champion League on September 22nd.
l do hope the occasion will be profitable for all concerned.

Yours sincerely,

Mo Salah

D. Karakteristik   Formal Invitation Letter

1. Formal invitation letter harus  menggunakan bahasa baku sesuai dengan kaidah tata bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar baik dalam pemilihan vocabularies maupun pemilihan phrase.
2. Formal invitation letter harus singkat, padat, efektif  dan mudah dipahami.
3. Menggunakan kop surat instansi/perusahaan/lembaga baik dalam sampul surat maupun isi surat
4. Sistematis dan tidak bertele-tele.
5. Menggunakan setempel lembaga/instansi/perusahaan untuk legalitas undangan yang akan dikirimkan.
6. Kadang-kadang juga mencantumkan nomor surat, perihal, tanggal, alamat tujuan, dan lampiran bila ada.

E. Generic Stucture Formal Invitation Letter

1. Sender’s name
Example : SMA Negeri Plus Provinsi Riau
2. Sender’s address
Example : Jl. Lingkar Kubang Raya , Pekanbaru
3. Date and  letter’s number
Example : 406/SMAN Plus/LL/IX/2020
4. Attachment/Enclosure
Example : Time and Schedulu
5. Reference/Subject
Example : Graduation celebration
6. Recipient’s name
Example  : Kepala Dinas Pendidikan
7. Recipient’s address
Example  : Jl. Cut Nyak Dien Pekanbaru
8. Salutation/Greeting
Example  : Dear Sir/Madam
9. Letter’s Body/ Content
Example : We would like to invite you attending graduation celebration party.
10.Activivity’s date and time
Example : The graduation celebration party will be held on Saturday, May 20 2020
11.Activity’s address
Example  : New multi function room of SMAN Plus Provinsi Riau Jl. Lingkar Kubang Raya Pekanbaru
12.Special Instruction (Dress code, seats position, etc)
Example : Batik clothes and sit in a predetermined order
13.  Complimentary and Signature
Example : Thank you for your attention. Sincerely yours,

F. Contoh formal Inviation

Letter 1

                                         SMA NEGERI PLUS PROVINSI RIAU
                                             Jl. Lingkar Kubang Raya Pekanbaru
                                                    No. Phone. (0761) 416780
                                                                                                       Pekanbaru , September 7, 2020
No: 71/ SMAN Plus / IX/KP-2020
Attachment: –
Subject: Announcement


All parents of Twelve Grade
SMA Negeri Plus Provinsi Riau

Dear Sir/Madam,

To enrich and enlarge of students’ ability in mastering lessons well and to increase their achievement from day to day and from time to time, we cordially invite you all to discuss this program.  Besides, we also want to report the students’ learning progress during Covid-19 pandemics. So, at this time we would like to invite you attending this meeting. The meeting  will be held on :
Day/Date:Thursday/September10, 2020

Time    :08.00 am - end
Place    :Multi Function Room
Agenda    :Students’ learning progress and Achievement

Since this meeting is very urgent and useful. Your time in attending this meeting is very respectfull. Thanks for your attention.

The Principal of SMAN Plus Provinsi Riau,

Andri Karmidi, M.Pd

Letter 2

                                                         POLYTRON, INC.CORP
                                                         Jl.Soekarno Hatta No. 23

                                                                                                            Batam, October12,  2020
To :
Mr. Andrian Utama Nugraha
Supervisor of Production
Machine Supply Provider, Inc.

Dear Mr. Nugraha,

I cordially enjoyed joining the previous web seminar (webinar) and we could talk each other after the program. As we talked about, I best regards believe that the widget gadget produced by Firm, Inc. can greatly enhance your manufacturing procedure.

If you are still eager, I would love to bring several of the vital members of my group together with me to consult with you at Machine Supplier, Inc. We would like to offer you an overview of our solutions and also review with you the best plan to fit your demands.

Satisfying in person would permit us to completely evaluate your wants as well as requires. Our team is offered to satisfy any time today or next. Please let me know, at your earliest ease, when you would certainly be available.

Yours Sincerely,

Billy Sadewo

Letter 3

September 1, 2020
The Honorable Public Relation of Universitas Negeri Lampung
Tanjung Karang, Provinsi Lampung

Dear Sir/Madam:

I would like to invite you and your staff to visit Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan,  where we are engaged in an exciting service-learning project.  Service-learning is a teaching method that engages students in solving problems within their schools and communities as an integral part of their academic studies.  

Students master important curriculum content by making meaningful connections between what they study and its real-life applications.  Students become more effective citizens through acts of kindness, community stewardship, and civic action.  This effort is made possible with support from Learn and Serve of Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, a program of the Corporation for National and Community Service.

May we suggest that you visit us on October24, 2020.  This will give you an opportunity to see our program in action!  I have also invited our community partners, members of the local media, and several families of students whom we serve.  They are eager to talk with you about the importance of investing in service-learning activities in our local community.

We have enclosed a one-page profile of our program for your reference.  I will contact your office within the next two weeks to follow-up on this invitation.  Again, I hope you can join us on October24, 2020..

Thank you for your consideration.


Surya Pratama Tamba

Letter 4

Mr. Billy Brian,

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the ABC Corporation, we are holding a dinner party at XYZ Hotel in Statesville from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 1st.

You are cordially welcome to the party so that we can express our sincere appreciation for your generous support. For your information, the party will be attended by other business elites such as Mr. Bob Brown and Mrs. Jane Johnson from DEF International. We believe that this may offer many of us an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with each other.

We do hope that you will be able to join us on this special occasion, and look forward to meeting you at the party.


Tom William

General Manager, ABC Corporation

Letter 5

Subject: House-Warming Party Invitation Letter

Dear Sir,

It will be a great pleasure to have your warm presence at Main Hall of Mona Plaza Hotel. We will be honoured if you come to our party and our party will become delighted with your auspicious presence.

It is thereby informed that the party will commence at the venue Sahid Hotel  Jakarta on September 26, 2020 from  07.00 pm until 10.00 pm.

I hope you will able to put some time and can join the party. And I hope that you will provide me with a positive response. Your presence matters to me and my company.

Thanking you

Yours truly,

Ryan Prayoga

Letter 6

Letter 7


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