Formulir Isian dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan di Perusahaan, Bank, Instansi, dan lain-lain

A. Pengertian Teks Formulir Isian
Dear laman24 readers! Formulir isian adalah sebuah dokumen isian baik dalam bentuk cetak maupun online yang digunakan untuk menulis dan memasukan biodata individu, data organisasi, data perbankan, data perusahaan dan data-data  lainnya yang berkenaan dengan kepentingan pribadi maupun kepentingan perusahaan.

Sebagai contoh, ketika seseorang ingin mempunyai Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) dan Kartu Keluarga (KK) maka biasanya orang tersebut akan mengisi formulir pendaftaran KTP ataupun formulir KK yang telah disediakan oleh Kantor Lurah/Kantor Desa yang muaranya akan di tindak lanjuti oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil (Distarduk).

Dear laman24 readers! Begitu juga ketika seseorang ingin membuat Passport, Rekening Bank, ATM, Surat Keterangan Domisili, dan juga beberapa keperluan lain baik yang bersifat kebutuhan individu maupun untuk kepentingan organisasi, maka mereka pasti akan mengisi formulir baik manual/konvensional maupun formulir online.

Selain itu, formulir isian juga akan kita jumpai pada saat kita mendaftarkan sesuatu, seperti : formulir pendaftaran siswa baru, formulir pendaftaran mahasiswa baru, formulir pendaftaran medical check up, formulir pendaftaran berobat kerumah sakit, formulir pendaftaran bantuan langsung tunai (BLT), dan juga formulir pendaftaran lainnya.

Dear laman24 readers! Dulu, apabila seseorang yang mempunyai kepentingan untuk membuat passport, ATM, KTP ataupun kepentingan lain seperti disebutkan diatas, maka orang tersebut harus mengisi formulir isian yang telah disediakan oleh petugas, kemudian setelah formulir tersebut terisi secara lengkap maka baru petugas data akan meng-entry data tersebut kedalam sistem, tetapi seiring perkembangan zaman, maka proses entry data kedalam server data terhadap formulir yang kita isi juga dapat langsung diisi secara online baik melalui interview individu dengan petugas entry maupun individu itu sendiri yang mengisinya.

B. Karakteristik Teks Formulir Isian

Dear laman24 readers! Karakteristik teks formulir isian adalah sebagai berikut:

1.Mempermudah orang untuk mengisi  dan mendistribusikan data secara mudah. ( simple form and understanable by the people who want to fulfill the data).

2.Perintah tentang isian harus tegas, tegas dan tidak membingungkan. (Clear and clean instruction about the information to be supplied).

3.Pertanyaan harus singkat sehingga orang yang mengisi formulir tidak perlu menjawab dengan panjang lebar. (simple question in order to avoid misinformation and wrong answer).

4.Formulir isian untuk kategori tertentu harus seragam bentuknya sehingga orang yang mengisi akan mempunyai jawaban yang sama dan tidak bertele-tele. Misalnya jenis kelamin (pasti kalau tidak laki-laki ya perempuan), agama (sudah ada pilihan biasanya), pekerjaan (sudah ada pilihan biasanya), dan lain-lain. (Uniformity in some label of questions in order to get similar answer the  form available).

5.Formulir berbasis online harus menyediakan field periksa ulang (re-examined) untuk menghindari kesalahan data dalam formulir  sebelum di serahkan.

C. Jenis-Jenis Formulir Isian

1. School Registration Form

Dear laman24 readers! In general, the registration form is a form of form that we must fill out to inform others about who we are, and usually this registration form is filled in accordance with the identity card and other identification marks and serves to know where we are, our status, and others

Besides, School Registration form is a form which holds the information of the student who wants to register/enrolls himself/herself as one of the student in his/her chosen school. School Registration form  is usually fulfilled by the student for the first time before the student is accepted by the school.

2. University Registration Form

Dear laman24 readers! University Registration form is a form which holds the information of the student who wants to register/enrolls himself/herself as one of the student in his/her chosen university. University Registration form  is usually fulfilled by the student for the first time before he/she is accepted by the university.

3. Medical Form ( Medical Treatment Registration Form, Impatient Registration  Form, Specialist Doctor Registration Form).

Dear laman24 readers! Medical form is a form that can help you get the care you need in a life-threatening situation. Besides, In an emergency, you may not be able to tell your care providers about your complete medical history or you may be unavailable if your child needs attention in the emergency department of your local hospital. These forms are here to help you get the care you need in a life-threatening situation.

Furthermore, Medical forms are used to keep medical  information about a patient that is under the care of a hospital or a doctor . They also contain a documentation of a patient's medical history and care.

4. Seminar Registration Form

Dear laman24 readers! With this simple seminar registration form template, participants can apply/register for your upcoming seminar in a minute. Besides, you can gather all the necessary information, including their name, phone number, address and also their academic/ organizational information, for them to register to your seminar. Furthermore, If you are looking registration form for seminar, then this form template is for you.

5. Graduation Registration Form

Dear laman24 readers! If a student completes all graduation requirements but fails to complete an application for degree, the Registrar’s Office can confer the student’s degree as of the term and date requirements were completed.  Besides, Conferral of the degree will result in a graduation fee being charged to the student’s account.  Furthermore, The student account must be in good standing for the transcript and diploma to be released.

Dear laman24 readers!  Students must apply for graduation as they near the completion of their programs (degree, certificate, or otherwise). Then, application can be made by completing an online form available through the registrar’s office. Among the required information is the specified diploma or certificate name (see Student Name requirements for additional information). Finally, Failure to apply for graduation in a timely manner may result in delayed degree conferral, inability to participate in a commencement ceremony, or a late graduation fee. The registrar’s office posts application deadlines for each program.

6. Purchase Form

Dear laman24 readers! Purchase forms are used to make legally binding purchase agrrements between the Sellers  and the buyers . they contain essential information such as the cost  of the purchase , the terms of payment and warranties .

7. Order Form

Dear laman24 readers!  An order form is a document buyers use to request merchandise from a wholesaler, manufacturer or retailer. Besides, it’s mostly used by businesses that buy products in higher amounts. You’ll never have to complete an order form in a store as a person unless the store-clerk has to make an order for you from a vendor. At least from my experience.

Furthermore, if you own a store, you’ve certainly had to fill in some sort of document to request more products from your vendor. Is that correct? You can call it however you want. It may be a request form, a restocking document, etc.. But, in broader terms, it’s an order form.

Dear laman24 readers!  Aside from selling goods, an order form may be used to sell services. For example, if you own a printing company, your customers can fill in an order form with information regarding their prints, such as the required dimension and paper type.

Order form are used by businesses or companies  as a convenient way of taking order from customers. They contain information  about exactly how much a particular order will cost .

8. Hotel Reservation Form

Dear laman24 readers!  Reservation form is primarily used by reservation department or by the hotel sales team to write down the booking details over phone or when they go for a sales call on client site. Besides, As in some busy hotels it will not be easy for the reservation agent to key in the reservation on the property management software while having the conversation with the guest.

In addition, details such as Name of the Guest, Contact Number, Required Room Type, No. of Pax, No. of rooms, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Bookers Name, Pickup Details, Special Requirement or Requests, Agreed Negotiated Rate, Billing Remarks or Billing Instructions etc. are filled on to the enquiry form. Reservation agents note down the required details quickly over the call on the form and then later key in these details on to the property management software or hotel software once the call is ended.

Dear laman24 readers!  Once the res agent completes entering all the reservation details from the enquiry form on to the PMS, Each form is duly signed and the same is verified and field by the Reservation Manager. Below you can download sample Reservation Form for writing down all reservation requests over phone.

9. Restaurant Reservation Form
Dear laman24 readers!  Creating a form that book restaurant dinning table is now become easy with FormGet. This form will help Restaurant owners to organize their clients table as per reservation list. Besides, When people suddenly make out their mind of going out with family they prefer booking their tables in advance. People love to do online table booking for restaurant, as it will save their time and they don’t have to wait for their turn.

Dear laman24 readers!  So what could be better than creating one such form and increase client base. So start creating form with FormGet. You can directly use this Form template as given above or customize your form according to your own desire on FormGet Application

10. Flight Reservation Form

Dear laman24 readers!  It is easy for users to reserve flight for their destination using this simple to use form. FormGet help you to create flight reservation form for your business, so that anybody can book flight by just filling all the necessary details in the form.

Besides, As a travel agent one can easily put this booking form on their website and can manage the entries easily. In order to use this free form template, just click on the button provided above and the form gets copied into your FormGet dashboard. You can customize the form any time as per your requirement. So grow your business using FormGet by creating forms, collecting users data and spread yourself.

11. Deposit Slip

Dear laman24 readers!  A deposit slip is a small piece of paper that we must fill in the bank when we want to deposit funds into a bank account. And its function so that we can deposit our funds to the bank after we fill some posts contained in the storage slip which includes: the date, name of the depositor, depositors account number, and the number of checks, cash, and coins are stored

12.Withdrawal Slip

Dear laman24 readers!  The withdrawal slip is a kind of small paper and the size is the same as the deposit slip contained in the bank. We must fill in the data in the withdrawal slip which includes the date of withdrawal of funds made, account number, and write down how much money will be withdrawn from the bank. Thus, the withdrawal slip basically serves as a required condition to withdraw funds from one's account.

13. Company Registration Form

Dear laman24 readers! A business registration form is used by a government office, union, or other agency looking to gather information to register new businesses. ... No matter what sort of businesses you're registering, you can create the perfect form for your agency's needs with our easy-to-use Form Builder.

Furthermore, the Business Registration Forms allows collecting information regarding location, name, owners and service type with fully tools and widgets to make the registration process easier and more engaging. You can build your own form using this one as your basis. Add your logo, imagesi fonts, colors and either add your form to your website or use it as a standalone form.

14. Bank Credit Application Form

Dear laman24 readers!  A form to be completed by an applicant for a credit account, giving sufficient details (residence, employment, income, and existing debt) to allow the seller to establish the applicant's creditworthiness. Sometimes, an application fee is charged to cover the cost of loan processing

D. Contoh Formulir Isian

1. Contoh School Registration Form

 2. Contoh University Registration Form

3. Contoh Medical Form ( Medical Treatment Registration Form, Impatient Registration  Form, Specialist Doctor Registration Form).

4. Contoh Seminar Registration Form

 5. Contoh Graduation Registration Form

6. Contoh Purchase Form


7. Contoh Order Form

 8. Contoh Hotel Reservation Form

 9. Contoh Restaurant Reservation Form
 10. Contoh Flight Reservation Form

11. Contoh Deposit Slip

12. Contoh Withdrawal Slip

13.Contoh Company Registration Form

14. Contoh Bank Credit Application Form


E. Contoh Soal Formulir Isian yang digunakan di perusahaan, bank dan instansi lainnya

I.  Answer the questions below from the following text given!

Questions 1-3 refer to the following index.

Costumer Service Numbers
Please call 684-5555 and choose your option.
Change billing address
Dispute fees
General fee information
How to make payments
Have not received monthly bill

1. What is this index designed to show?
A.    Number of calls received
B.     Costumer call records
C.     Types of information and services
D.    Amount of costumer bill

2 . What type of service is provided by the most lines?
A.    Information about addresses
B.     Areas of dispute
C.     Updates on service options
D.    Information about money and bills

3. Who would most likely use option 1?
A.    New costumers
B.     People with a complaint
C.     People who have moved
D.    Costumers with poor credit ratings

Questions 4-6 refers to the following chart!

Results of Study on Time Distribution of Takes for Sales Managers

Training new sales personal
Identifying possible clients  
Reviewing monthly sales records
Taking care of costumer problems
Making sales assignments                             
Interacting with technical staff                      
Administrative duties                                      

4. How much percentage for Sales Manager to check Administrative duties?
A.    22%   
B.      8%    
C.      10 %    
D.     15%  

5. What task do sales managers spend the most time on?
A.    Training salespeople
B.     Performing administrative tasks
C.     Reviewing sales records
D.    Making sales assignments

6. How much of their time do sales managers spend with the technical staff?
A.    5%   
B.      8%  
C.     10%   
D.    15%   

Question number 7-10  refers to the following hotel registration!

The Palmer Hotel
Room Type and Daily Rate (tax not included)
Double $ 186.00 per night

Arrival Date 4-25 Number of rooms  1
Departure Date 4-28
Guest                  2
Arrival Time  4:00 P.M
Confirmation Number  24-0726
Check in time is 3:00 P.M Check out time is 1:00 P.M

Guest Name  : Mr. &  Mrs.R.Wolf

7. Why is this card used?
A.    To register at a hotel
B.     To reserve space at a convention
C.     To receive messages
D.    To check out

8. What kind of room has been requested?
A.    A single room
B.     A double room
C.     A comfortable room
D.    A quiet room

9. What will be added to the daily room rate?
A.   A service fee
B. A reservation charge
C. Tips for the maid
D.    Tax

10. Who is the room for?
           A.  Mr. R. Wolf
           B.  Mrs. R. Wolf
           C.   Mr. and Mrs. R. Wolf
           D.  The Guest

II. See the picture and answer the questions below!

1. What is the occasion for the field trip to El Dorado County Petting Zoo?
A. National “Love your Animal Month!”
B. National “Love your Zoo Week!”
C. International “Love your Pet Week!”
D. International “Love your Zoo Month!”

2. What ages are allowed to join this activity?
A. 1-4 years old
B. 6-10 years old
C. 1-6 years old
D. 6-12 years old

3. Who is writing the message to the parent or legal guardian?
A. Mrs. Henderson, Science Teacher
B. Mrs. Henderson, Social Teacher
C. Ms. Henderson, Science Teacher
D. Ms. Henderson, Social Teacher

4. What should be filled in “Departure time” section?
A. Time the trip ends
B. Time during the trip
C. Time of preparation
D. Time the trip starts

5. These places could be the options for meeting place, except…
A. School’s garden
B. School’s hall
C. School’s parking lot
D. Mrs. Henderson’s house

6. What should be filled in “Arrival time” section?
A. Time of arriving in the venue
B. Time of leaving the venue
C. Time of playing in the venue
D. Time of preparation in the venue

7. What is the synonym of entrance fee?
A. Snacks
B. Public transport
C. Ticket price
D. Schedule

8. “You are free to join the trip to chaperone your child.” What does the underlined word mean?
A. Leave
B. Feed
C. Entertain
D. Accompany

9. Whose contact details should be written in the form?
A. Parents of child
B. Teacher of child
C. Zoo keeper
D. Catering service

10. What to do if you don’t allow your child to join the field trip?

A. Fill the slip and give sign in the “I do not allow my child to join the field trip on the said date” section
B. Just give guardian signature
C. Fill the slip and give sign in the “I allow my child to join the field trip on the said date” section
D. Don’t come to the school

III. What is the definition of Purchase form,  Order form,  Withdrawal slip,  Deposit slip,  Reservation form, and  Medical form?

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  1. Dalam soal essay terdapat 2 formulir pemesanan, apakah error ap diganti dengan definisi yang lain? Terimakasih
